Friday, February 02, 2007

2nd February:

Since the dawn of time, man's most primeval insitinct has been to reproduce and propagate the species. Although whether our caveman ancestors ever came home after a hard day of mammoth-bashing to find their mewling offspring full of colic and their partners exhausted and still in their pyjamas remains undocumented. On the blind curve that is parenthood, nothing is more sure - at some point or another, probably at some ungodly hour of the morning, you will look at your child and think "why on earth did I do that?". And then, nanoseconds later, you will feel like an awful parent and bad human being for having allowed the thought to enter your head. It's ok. Everyone does it.

In other news, a headline on the BBC news web site proclaims "humans to blame for climate change". Nothing to see here.


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