Tuesday, May 08, 2007

8th May:

On behalf of metrosexual males everywhere, I wish to issue a plea to the makers of skin creams, balms, gels and potions. Especially Biotherm. Please, please, please stop selling your stuff in big tubs with screw-top lids. They are no use. Really. Tubes or pump-nozzle bottles only. Honestly, you get the lid off, have to scoop the cream out and then fiddle about trying to get the top back on again with a big dollop of cream on your fingers. Rubbish. And they never fit into your wash bag when you are going away anywhere. End of plea.

In other news, the makers of the 'hit' TV show Lost have finally announced that the show will come to an end. In 2010. ABC have acknowledged that viewers may drift away unless the show concludes. Which they have been. Because it hasn't. And because the writers have clearly been making it up as they go along and the audience have sussed that it's a load of old arse-grapes. And telling us we have to suffer another two and a half years of it is hardly going to help. Must be one hell of a finale, though, if they are starting the build-up 30 months in advance...

Now don't get me wrong, I take my hat off to the people who managed to get Lost on air because the concept was clearly drawn up on the back of a beermat one afternoon after a very long liquid lunch. How they managed to convince anyone to give them money for it is anyone's guess. What a meeting that must have been. Fair play to them. But really guys....stringing a one trick pony out across 16 episodes a series for 5 years?

Stephen McPherson, El Presidente at ABC, said: "Due to the unique nature of the series, we knew it would require an end date to keep the integrity and strength of the show consistent throughout". Integrity? Strength? Mr. McPherson has clearly been taking the same drugs as the writers.

If you wanted a cult classic you should have killed it stone dead after 2 series.

But i'm guessing cult classics don't make any money.


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