Wednesday, May 23, 2007

23rd May:

It was widely reported yesterday that scientists in Argentina claim to have dramatically reduced the effects of jet-lag in hamsters by giving them the drug Viagra.

Quite apart from the obvious question as to how widespread and debilitating the effects of jet-lag are on the hamster populations of the world, one must examine the links comprising this chain of lunacy and ask:
1) Who thought that these experiments would be useful?
2) Who gave these people money to fund this research?
3) Which news editors thought it would be a good idea to tell us all about it?

Delving more deeply into the story reveals that the hamsters only felt better (??) when Viagra was used in combination with light therapy, and only when the jet-lag was caused by losing hours through travelling East. So clear benefits to the whole of humanity there, then.

One can only assume that there is a Ministry for Useless Studies somewhere that funds this kind of stuff: the same people who brought you the story that drinking 7 litres of lime juice per day can cause blindness and that goth kids have a greater tendancy to suffer from depression.

Frankly, it boils my piss. Which also gives you cancer, apparently.


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