16th June:
The English language has always been full of words that are highly context-specific. One particularly irritating example of this phenomenon relates to the World Wide Interweb.
Apparently, web sites have to be "checked out". One cannot simply visit a site, nor even browse. Reading is a definite no no. One checks it out. "For more information on this and other great offers, why not check out our web site at www.snugandrubbery.com". You see?
You probably hadn't even noticed it before, but now that it has been brought to your attention you'll find the phrase popping up all over the place. It's one of those nasty pieces of English that looks a bit hip and trendy at first sight but actually has 'contrived' written all over it. Think of your Grandad reciting the lyrics to something by Tupac and you're getting close on the cringe-o-meter. Come to think of it, who decides this kind of stuff anyway? Probably a focus group of 45 year-old men in grey cardigans. Give the yoof what they want, eh?
So, there we have it. Thanks for visiting the blog. Would Sir care to check out now?